If you were created by an author and came from a book into the real world, from which book would you originate?
This inventive and thought-provoking question comes courtesy of Marika. Which is a good thing, as I've been too distracted by the stupefying yet gorgeous heat, finishing up the final (ha!) draft my own book, and going to Polish picnics to think properly.
It's a particularly interesting question because it forces you to think not of which author you would choose to write you, but out of which author's head you would have been most likely, naturally, to spring.
Marika's simple and unequivocal answer to her own question is that she would be from a Chris Ridell book.

Nieves says: "If I were a character from a Novel, I would be a Chris Ridell drawing, from an Elizabeth Gaskell novel, and I have to concur that I would have the soul of an Oscar Wilde character with G.K. Chesterton sensibilities. Basically a combination of ridiculous and rational!"

Diane says she would want to be from a Harlan Ellison novel, because then she could be a science fiction character and do cool things.

My Sparky is a Larry David creation. Or maybe he and Larry David were separated at birth.

I am shilly-shallying, as usual. I think I'd be a combo of a Charlotte Bronte heroine, a minor character in an Oscar Wilde play (Lady Bracknell or the Duchess of Berwick), silly and profound at the same time. But I was raised in Suzanne Strempek Shea-land, among the maddening, funny, and irrepressibly stubborn Yankee Polish Catholics she renders so well. I'll never completely erase or escape it, even supposing I wanted to.

How about you? Let us know from which author's head you would spring.
1 comment:
At first, I thought of Mark Twain's Becky, but then no. Huck Finn or Tom Sawyer were better fits for me, I think, having grown up a tomboy of sorts, climbing trees and building forts and catching frogs and tadpoles. I also thought of Suzanne Strempek Shea's stories about characters in my family (Lithuanian, but not much different, no matter what anyone tells you!), so I must be in her books somewhere. But it's Elinor Lipman's talk show host mom who sits outside her estranged daughter's home whom I believe could be me. Tough but breakable.
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