This is basically a postscript to the earlier post reviewing financial books, some of which centered on green or socially responsible investing.

A co-worker left this book on the counter the other day, and I picked it up and have been breezing right through it, much to my own surprise. I say that because this book is part of the "do something, Get Rich" series and I'm not a huge fan. (Probably for the same reason I'm not a huge fan of the "guides for dummies/idiots" books - I think they're rather crass). But I have to say that this book impressed me by the depth of the "going green" information that was dispensed in a handy little handbook sort of way.
There are different sections to the book that describe ways in which you can simultaneously switch to a greener, more environmentally friendly, and also more cost-effective way of living. It was gratifying to find that I do some of these already without even thinking about it. I carpool to work on days when it is possible (Shout-out to Darcy!), I bring my lunch to work in our new Happy-Sacks! and other reusable containers whenever possible, I turn off/unplug everything except my clock religiously in order to cut down on phantom electricity use (if you don't know what I'm talking about, read the book, page 43), etc. But there were some things I'm surprised never crossed my mind to wonder about; things like restaurant take-out (duh, I'm saying to myself, those little containers of Chinese food can hardly be recycled), taking myself off junk mail lists, and going on "Green" vacations (eco-tourism or even volunteering vacations - not that I have the time to vacation, but you know, it's a thought). There's even a small section in the back that talks about Green Investing!
The other positive, for me, element to this book is that it gives handy little websites and side tips/notes for each write-up of environmentally-friendly changes you can make, in case you want to go find some more information. It's always nice to be directed to exactly what you're looking for rather than trying the hit-and-miss Google search (though that can certainly yield some fruitful results). All-in-all, I give this book 2 thumbs up for what it is - a brief, breezy guide that shows you how to reduce your carbon footprint, and your financial output, all at the same time.
Paperback: 9780767929738 $14.95
Go Green!