So that's why I'm telling y'all about this new book published by Hodder and Stoughton called Venn That Tune. The first time I heard about it was during a visit with my sales rep. Apparently I was the first buyer among his accounts to order a small stack of this marvelous little book. The then-associate textbook manager, Darcy (the one who left us to pursue graduate school in physics, actually. Sigh.), and I were doubled over with laughter about this book--every page brought a new wave of laughter--the kind where you think you can finally stop and then one hiccough later it starts all over again, despite the tears that are now trickling from your eyes and the aches in your abs. It really was *that* funny.
Have you ever wondered what the intersection of math geekdom and a love of pop culture might look like? If so, look no further! Andrew Viner has put together an entire book of classic song titles in the forms of Venn diagrams -- you know, the various sets of circles whose overlapping qualities form a subset. For one example: you've got three circles depicting Things That Have Been Done For Me, Things That You Have Done, and Things That Have Been Done Lately. Where all three intersect, there's a question mark: it's the venn diagram of Janet Jackson's 1986 pop hit, "What Have You Done For Me Lately." It's clever, it's nerdy, and it's a whole lot of fun. Take it from somebody who knows: it's *perfect* for the math geek in your life.
If you're interested, give us a call to order it: 413. 534. 7307. For some reason, it doesn't show up on our website to order, but we've got it in stock!
~Emily C.
1 comment:
I'm going to have to take a closer look at this book, though I fear it will make me feel incredibly stupid.
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