Each month at the Odyssey Bookshop, I hand-select books for children signed up for our Gift of Reading Program. Usually a family member or close family friend signs up the child (age infant through teen), and each month I pick out, ring up, gift wrap, and mail out a book chosen specifically for them. The books have usually been recently published (within the last three months or so), and is chosen based on the age of the child, the gender (yes, I take that into consideration, though I do think outside the box) of the child, the reading level, if I know anything about the child's reading preferences, the literary merit of the book, the artistic merit of the book, and of course, my own personal taste.
Why I never thought to blog about my selections before is beyond me. I will now begin to do so, using only age and gender to identify the recipient of the book. Here they are:
April 2010 Gift of Reading Club Selections
(by age)
Baby (months old) female:

by Olivier Dunrea
9780547242965, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, $13.99
1 yr/o male:
Trucks: A Mini Animotion Book
by Accord Publishing
9780740792007, Accord Publishing, $9.99

I Like Bugs
by Lorena Siminovitch
9780740792007, Candlewick Press, $6.99
Zoo Parade!
by Harriet Ziefert, illustrated by Simms Taback
9781593540142, Blue Apple Books, $8.95

Pepi Sings a New Song
by Laura Ljungkvist
9781416991380, Beach Lane Books (Simon & Schuster), $16.99
3 yr/o male:

9780811874793, Chronicle, $10.99
4 yr/o female:
The Sandwich Swap
by Her Majesty Queen Rania AlAbdullah of Jordan, with Kelly DiPucchio, illustrated by Tricia Tusa
9781423124849, Harper, $16.98

by Elise Broach, illustrated by Richard Egielski
9781416916284, Simon & Schuster, $16.99
The Django
by Levi Pinfold
9780763647889, Templar Books (Candlewick), $16.99
6 & & yr/o male:
Shark vs. Train
by Chris Barton, illustrated by Tom Lichtenheld
9780316007627, Little, Brown for Young Readers (Hachette), $16.99

Madame Pamplemousse and her Incredible Edibles
by Rupert Kingfisher, illustrated by Sue Hellard
9781599903064, Bloomsbury (Macmillan), $15.99
9 yr/o female:
Kaline Klattermaster's Tree House
by Haven Kimmel, illustrated by Peter Brown
9780689874031, Simon & Schuster, $5.99

Big Nate: In a Class By Himself
by Lincoln Peirce
9780061944345, Harper, $12.99
11 & 12 yr/o male:
Dangerous Book of Heroes
by Conn & David Iggulden
9780061928246, William Morrow & Co, $26.99

The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place
by Maryrose Wood, illustrated by Jon Klassen
9780061791055, Harper, $15.99
15 yr/o female:
And Both Were Young
by Madeleine L'Engle
9780374303648, Farrar Straus & Giroux (Macmillan), $16.99
Check out this post on my personal blog.